
Cover and contents typography designed in the style of Bauhaus for the AIGA Design Business and Ethics
guide book. 

The AIGA represents authority on professionalism within design disciplines. Their mission includes educating
designers, clients, and the public about ethical standards and practices involving the design industry. The AIGA Design Business & Ethics series was established to create consistent professional standards among designers, clients, and content.

The redesign of the current AIGA book is in the style of Bauhaus. The Bauhaus school and movement existed in 1919 to 1933 and is considered the home of avant-guard of classical modern style. The Bauhaus movement believes in the mutual cooperation of forms and colors and that form follows function. There should be no extra ornamentation and no design elements should sacrifice the message being conveyed. Bauhaus design favored linear and geometric shapes, simplified fonts, and text wrapping around objects, or text in interesting
orientations not common to the design of their time.

Software: Adobe InDesign.
